10 things - May 26, 2023

1. going live with our new products: Game Design Bootcamp and Pre College

2. Dribble ads are launched as well for XR design and game design, we're
excited to see what results Dribble ads will bring.

3. Self Checkout for Precollege Courses is live.

4. working on bringing cs's brightspace data to power bi.

5. We've started the process of migrating all our uni partnerships landing
pages to Framer.
In these launches we already started with the new courses for Game Design
and Pre College for UBC, and UofT.
This initiative is to optimize the workflow for creating, editing, and
managing our websites and website.

6. We've just gone 100% live with McGills microsite on Framer too.

7. Happy brithday Matt!

8. We have some exciting news from People & Culture - we have hired
Ashleigh George in Melbourne to join our Admissions team starting on
Tuesday June 13th (Australia time), which is the afternoon of Monday, June
12th in Canada. Ashleigh has great student enrollment experience from her
role as an Admissions Officer at Box Hill Institute/Soar Aviation as well
as her role as a Customer Development Executive at St. John Ambulance.
More details to follow when we welcome her in Slack in June!

9. We have an updated instructor schedule.
you can find the Education schedule and the instructors who are teaching
different courses.

10.Next week CS is heading to Phoenix to meet with Arizona State University (ASU) on May 29th and then to San Diego to meet with University of California San Diego for potential partnerships with these leading schools.